Space Ships - The Dan Dare Treasure Hunt by arrangement with the "EAGLE", Pepys Party Games
First Published: 1953, Pepys Party Games
Illustrator or Designer: Not credited but - By arrangement with the "EAGLE"
Contents: Rules sheet, 12 Player Clue Cards, 8 Object cards in a single perforated sheet.

Space Ships - Box Top

Space Ships - Rules

Space Ships Cards - Originally supplied in a single perforated sheet

Sample Space Ships Player Clues Card
Each of the 12 Clues Cards has the same clues but in a different order, except for the final clue 8 which leads to "Mekonta".

Space Ships - Advertisements on the back of the rules sheet.
The game bears no address and there is no mention of Castell Brothers.
In 1953 Castell Brothers produced produced four games featuring Eagle magazine characters, two card games (Dan Dare and Riders of the Range) and two party games (Space Ships - The Dan Dare Treasure Hunt and Round Up - The Riders of the Range Action Game). Pepys also produced an Eagle Bond Junior Stationery Set, presumably at the same time.